Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thank You, Staci!!!

Many of you know I do not like to ask for help when life becomes overwhelming. I like to pretend I'm Super Woman and can do it all. Well, a few days ago I called to tell Staci that Zackary and I were not going to be able to go to McConnell Springs for their trick or treating like we had originally planned. I told her Zackary had a runny nose and cough (which he did) but as I was talking to her I realized I had reached "that point." I didn't think I was that overwhelmed until I started talking to her. Being the AMAZING friend that she is, she told me that she would come over Monday and clean my house, go grocery shopping for me or whatever else I needed. I told her that wasn't necessary but she said she would be over after she dropped Victoria off at school. Sure enough, on Monday I got a phone call from her telling me to sit down right at that minute and make out a grocery list. I had to call her back when I was done give her the list, then she was going to go to the store on her way over to my house. She got there and spent the next 3 hours cleaning my house and doing laundry! I am so grateful to everything she did and it was a huge relief to know it was done. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Staci!!!! Love you girl!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Zackary + Dirt = HAPPY BOY

At Evans Orchard, Zackary found a HUGE mound of dirt and he had so much fun playing in this dirt. I just let him have his fun as I watched his white shoes and shirt turn brown (don't know what I was thinking putting white on him). What is it about dirt that makes little boys smile from ear to ear!

P.S. To my family: proof that I will let my son be a boy, get dirty, have fun and still have a germ phobia.
Okay, that's my last post for tonight. 3 in a row...I'm on a roll :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Evans Orchard

Last weekend Staci and I took the kids to Evans Orchard for some fall fun. We had a blast playing in the play area, riding ponies and camels, running around, and going on a tractor ride.
I love fall!!!

Haye Look-alike Meter

Lori had this posted on her blog and I thought it looked like fun. Everyone has always said that Zackary was a "little Ampy" but I guess he has a little more me in him than we thought :)

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Yad Vashem research - Family history

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Waiting for Daddy

Here's what happens every day at 5:00
(sorry the picture is so dark, the flash didn't go off)

Rajah must have this internal alarm that goes off at 5 pm every night. At this time she will sit in the living room and stare out the window waiting for Ampy to get home. As soon as Zackary sees her he heads straight for the window and the two of the them will look outside until he comes home. As soon as they see and hear Ampy's car, they start running around the room. I love how excited each of them get when he comes home. Wish I got the same welcome.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Okay, I was tagged by Lori and am suppose to post the fourth picture from my fourth folder. This picture was taken at Derek's "Welcome Home" party after his mission just this past June.

We had a fun little photo shoot before the party started...

Very rarely do I get a picture of Ryan without a goofy smile

I was so proud of my little bro

Proud Mama

I love this picture! I think everyone's personality shows in their facial expression.

I tag Liz and Melissa :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Already Flirting?

I had to go to the bank today and knew I'd be there for a little bit, so I put Zackary in his stroller, gave him some food and in we went. But...I didn't need food, toys or anything else to occupy him...he found a girl to flirt with! The entire time I was there he would smile real big and play peek a boo with this teller. She would play along with him and he would just laugh. As we were leaving I told him to say "bye." He did this and then proceeded to blow her a KISS! Of course, when I told Ampy this he just said, "That's my boy!" Oh goodness!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh how sweet and oh what fun!

I was fixing lunch and thought Zackary was being really quiet. Here's what I found...

He just recently started to enjoy books so this made me smile!
And yes I said lunch and yes he's still in his pajamas :)

Later that day I found him playing in...

Rajah's kennel! We'd taken the bottom out to wash it down and he decided it was a great place to play. Rajah didn't know why someone would actually WANT to go in there???

Sunday Snuggles

Zackary loves to wake his daddy up on Sunday mornings. I'll go get him out of his crib and we'll walk down the hallway and as soon as he can see his daddy in bed he'll smile and start to giggle. Then he climbs on him and bounces. After he's awake he snuggles in next to him and just smiles. Isn't it sweet! I just LOVE my boys!

Pioneer Ward Primary Program

Ahhh...it's all over. And boy did my primary children do an AWESOME job! So proud of each of them. I loved looking out into the congregation and seeing the pride on each of the parent's faces. What a sweet spirit these children brought to church! I love my calling!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Uncle Jared

This past weekend my brother, Jared, came to visit. Uncle Jared first met us at the park and as soon as Zackary saw him he went running to him. After that Zackary never left his side. Take a look at the fun they had...

Ready for some fun!

Zackary saw Uncle Jared and Grandpa watching the Colts game and decided he had to come watch too. He ran and stood right next to them and studied the TV (do you see the concentration).

Who needs weights when you have a Zackary? He even helped Jared with his cardio and made sure there were several games of "chase" played.

Time to rest, but you're not going anywhere.

Zackary LOVES his Uncle Jared!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why buy toys?

Zackary discovers something new one day...a potato! This soon becomes a ball and gets thrown around all over the house. Each time he would throw it, he would laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world. I don't understand but question why I spend money on toys?
Just in case you were wondering...this potato did not get eaten.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here I go...

I jumped on the blogging bandwagon and being the perfectionist that I am, it's going to take me a bit to get this looking just the way I'd like. Wish me luck!