Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh how sweet and oh what fun!

I was fixing lunch and thought Zackary was being really quiet. Here's what I found...

He just recently started to enjoy books so this made me smile!
And yes I said lunch and yes he's still in his pajamas :)

Later that day I found him playing in...

Rajah's kennel! We'd taken the bottom out to wash it down and he decided it was a great place to play. Rajah didn't know why someone would actually WANT to go in there???


Ammon and Brooke said...

CUTE! It's so fun when they can look at books on their own. I love the kennel pics.

Liz, Nate, Sydney, Holly said...

I just love that picture of him in the chair reading. And him in the kennel - classic. He is the cutest little guy ever. He and Holly would make the cutest babies known to man.

Melissa Sebourn said...

Little boys and dogs -- a perfect combo.