Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why buy toys?

Zackary discovers something new one day...a potato! This soon becomes a ball and gets thrown around all over the house. Each time he would throw it, he would laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world. I don't understand but question why I spend money on toys?
Just in case you were wondering...this potato did not get eaten.


Ammon and Brooke said...

Amen!!! Toys are totally overrated.

The White Family said...

Hey Katrina! I love the blog, I just started this month too! I'm excited to see what you guys are up to. Zachary is adorable!

Liz, Nate, Sydney, Holly said...

Cute! Welcome to the blogging world; as a recent convert myself, let me warn you it may suck hours of your life away - but it will be a lot of fun and a great way to keep in touch with family/friends. :)

Alicia said...

I love being able to see what is going on w/ friends and family the trick is for me to keep up on my page:) Zachary is really adorable!!!!

Christensen Family said...

Yay!! I'm so excited to keep up with you guys and cute little Zachary! Aren't boys fun!